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Sustainability – PT Efrata Garmindo
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Building a sustainable future is a thread that runs throughout all the companies that make up the Dan Liris Group and is a central pillar of its mission and vision. At PT. Efrata Garmindo, this translates into a focus on the use of environmentally friendly materials and practices in its production methods and in the SMEs that it supports to keep traditional methods alive, relevant, and appreciated.

Lurik is a traditional Javanese striped fabric in a variety of colours and designs that is produced on a handloom and is steeped in history. In 2020, the company looked at ways to utilise the cotton waste produced through garment production by its sister company PT. Dan Liris and began working with traditional artisans and old age homes in Klaten, Central Java to create their own Lurik using the cotton waste as the raw material. The resulting fabrics have been used in bateeq clothing collections and have elevated this traditional fabric to become a sought-after fashion icon that exemplifies unique Indonesian style.


For PT. Efrata Garmindo, sustainability is not only about the materials that are used but also the processes and people behind them. The Lurik production initiative has provided ongoing employment opportunities for the elderly to support the community, empower women in particular and to preserve traditional culture.